FMGE 2021 Exam Date has been released for the December session exam. The passing certificate has been released on 8th July 2021 for the June session. This examination is conducted by the National Board of Examination (NBE). Foreign Medical Graduate Screening Exam (FMGE) is a national-level examination. It is conducted two times every year i.e. June and December. Through this exam, candidates can get permanent and provisional registration with the MCI.
The application form will start in the second week of October 2021. The last date to submit the application form will be the last week of October 2021. Those who want to make corrections in the application can do it till the first week of December 2021.
The Admit card will be released in the second week of December 2021. The FMGE 2021 exam date has been scheduled for 12th December 2021. The result will be most probably be declared on the third week of January 2022